PPSC Past Paper 2022 Parole/Probation Officer (BS-16) Home Department (Punjab Probation And Parole Service) 16h 2021
73. Rural infrastructure made villages_
(A) Small
(B) Lightened
(C) Developing
(D) None of these
74. Movement of individuals, families, and groups based on hierarchy or stratification is called:
(A) Social Stratification
(B) Social movement
(C) Social mobility
(D) None of these
75. Farmers in villages do
(A) Plough wings and harvest
(B) Watering and crops
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of these
76. Sociological perspective means
(A) Understanding human behavior in the broader context of society
(B) Understanding human behavior in a narrower context of society
(C) Both A&B
(D) None of these
77 . Who wrote the first textbook on rural sociology:
(A) John M. Gillette
(B) Wallace Olsen
(C) Kenneth P. Wilkinson
(D) None of these
78 . Causes of the emergence of rural sociology if farmer production is low he will
(A) Survive
(B) Produce more
(C) Domestic consumption
(D) None of these
79 . Farmers link with capitalists through
(A) Market
(B) Trade
(C) Technology
(D) None of these
80. The farmer’s priority is:
(A) Subsistence
(B) Commercial
(C) Both A&B
(D) None of these
81. Shifting of labor from rural to urban becomes:
(A) Exceeds
(B) Scarcity
(C) Normal
(D) None of these
82. The village economy is based on:
(A) Agriculture
(B) Animals
(C) Industry
(D) None of these
83. Which is the feature of Rural Society
(A) Face to face Interaction
(B) High density population
(C) Dynamic Lifestyle
(D) None of these
84. In Villages for health government provides:
(A) Dispensaries
(B) Primary health unit
(C) Rural health center
(D) None of these
85. Which among the following is an indirect method of social control?
(A) Folkways
(B) Propaganda
(C) Customs
(D) None of these
86. In Rural areas people are usually associated with
(A) Agriculture
(B) Industries
(C) Professional
(D) None of these
87.Modern agriculture aims:
(A) to obtain the highest yields
(B) to get the highest economic profit possible
(C) Both A&B
(D) None of these
88. Why studying rural sociology is important
(A) Technology
(B) Knowledge
(C) Reforms in farm production
(D) All of these
89. is the major feature of rural sociology:
(A) Heterogeneity
(B) Homogeneity
(C) Dynamic life
(D) None of these
90. Sociological allows people to see the relationship between their personal experiences and broader social and historical events.
(A) Consciousness
(B) Imagination
(C) Theory
(D) None of these
91 . A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes in walking a distance and riding back to starting place. He could walk both ways in 7 hours and 45 minutes. The time is taken by him to ride back both ways
(A) 5 hours
(B) 4 hours and 45 mins
(C) 4 hours and 30 mins
(D) None of these
92 . Some friends meet for tea at some place it is referred as
(A) Cus
(B) Folkways
(C) Culture
(D) None of these
93 . Pastoral society means
(A) a nomadic group of people who travel with a herd of domesticated animals, which they rely on for food
(B) society is driven by the use of technology and machinery to enable mass production
(C) an organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants
(D) None of these
94 . In Capitalism, class possesses only their labor power, which they must sell to survive
(A) Bourgeoisie
(B) Peasant
(C) Proletariat
(D) None of these
95. If the price of the commodity is increased by 50% by what fraction must its consumption be reduced to keep the same expenditure on its consumption?
(A) 1/2
(B) 1/3
(C) 1/4
(D) None of these
96. and industrialization led to the emergence of the working class as a large and powerful body, which led to the birth of Marxism, and gave people a new perspective and relationship with the society they lived in
(A) Urbanization
(B) Modernization
(C) Westernization
(D) None of these
97 .Which among the following is an informal method of social control?
(A) Coercion
(B) Customs
(C) Education
(D) None of these
98.One person moving from one country to another is referred as
(A) to improve their living standard
(B) Common culture
(C) fo fulfill basic needs
(D) None of these