1. A.C Through Resistor, Voltage and Current have the phase :

(A) Out of Phase

(B) Perpendicular

(C) In Phase

(D) Antiparallel

(B) Perpendicular

2. A pair of Quark and Anti Quark makes :

 (A) Baryons

(B) Meson

(C) Photon

(D) Proton

(B) Meson

3. Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction is controlled by :

(A) Steel Rod

(B) Graphite Rod

(C) Cadmium Rod

(D) Platinum Rod

(C) Cadmium Rod

4. Balmer Series lies in the :

(A) Ultraviolet Region

(B) Visible Region

(C) Far Infrared Region

(D) Infrared Region

(B) Visible Region

5. The Unit of Work Function is :

(A) Watt

(B) eγ(electron volt)

(C) Farad

(D) Photocell

(B) eγ(electron volt)

6. Which One is Low Energy Photon :

(A) X-Ray

(B) Infrared Light

(C) Visible Light

(D) Ultraviolet Light

(B) Infrared Light

7. The Output Voltage of a Rectifier is :

(A) Perfectly Direct

(B) Smooth

(C) Pulsating

(D) Alternating

(C) Pulsating

8. The Potential Barrier in Diode stops movement of :

(A) Electron

(B) Holes

(C) Photon

(D) Both A and B

(A) Electron

9. Which of the following does not go Plastic Deformation :

(A) Copper

(B) Wrought Iron

(C) Head

(D) Glass

(D) Glass

10. The device which only allows the A.C. is :

(A) Capacitor

(B) Inductor

(C) Generator

(D) Transformer

(A) Capacitor

11. The current flowing through the coil due to induced emf depends upon :

(A) Magnetic Flux

(B) Area of Coil

(C) Shape of Coil

(D) Resistance of coil

(D) Resistance of coil

12. If we want to make Magnetic Field stronger the value of induced current is :

(A) Decreased

(B) Vanish

(C) Increased

(D) Constant

(C) Increased

13. An Ammeter is always connected in :

(A) Parallel

(B) Perpendicular

(C) Series

(D) Oblique

(C) Series

14. Current Passing through the coil of Galvanometer is :

(A)  C/BAN θ

(B) NAB/C θ

(C) AC/BC θ

(D) CN/BA θ

(A) C/BAN θ

15. The substance having negative temperature co-efficient is :

(A) Carbon

(B) Gold

(C) Iron

(D) Tungsten

(A) Carbon

16. Electric Intensity due to the oppositely charged parallel plate is :

(A) Zero

(B) 1/E0

(C) α/2E0

(D) α/E0

(D) α/E0

17. The Negative of Potential Gradient is :

(A) Electric Field Intensity

(B) Electromotive Force

(C) Electrostatic Force

(D) Potential Difference

(A) Electric Field Intensity


1. Half Life of Uranium-239 is :

(A) 26.5 Minutes

(B) 23.5 Minutes

(C) 24.5 Minutes

(D) 25.5 Minutes

(B) 23.5 Minutes

2. The Number of Neutrons in 238/92 U is :

(A) 92

(B) 238

(C) 146

(D) 330

(C) 146

3. For Paschen Series, the value of 'n' starts from :

(A) 2

(B) 8

(C) 6

(D) 4

(D) 4

4. 1 Kg Mass will be equivalent to energy :

(A) 9 x 108 J

(B) 9 x 1016 J

(C) 9 x 1012 J

(D) 9 x 1019 J

(B) 9 x 1016 J

5. Mathematical Treatment for Electromagnetic Waves was given by :

(A) Faraday

(B) Maxwell

(C) Hertz

(D) Coulomb

(B) Maxwell

6. In forward biasing a p-n junction ideal, offers :

(A) High Resistance

(B) Infinite Resistance

(C) Low resistance

(D) Medium resistance

(C) Low resistance

7. Which One is not a Donor Impurity here :

(A) Antimony

(B) Phosphorus

(C) Aluminium

(D) Arsenic

(C) Aluminium

8. Which One is not Crystalline Solid :

(A) Zinc

(B) Copper

(C) Nylon

(D) Zirconia

(C) Nylon

9. The graph between time and A.C. Voltage is known as :

(A) Parabola

(B) Tangent Curve

(C) Sine Curve

(D) Straight line

(C) Sine Curve

10. The Peak Value of A.C. Source is 20 A, then its rms value will be :

(A) 20 A

(B) 10 A

(C) 14.1 A

(D) 28.2 A

(C) 14.1 A

11. Inductance is measured in :

(A) Ohm

(B) Volts

(C) Henry

(D) Weber

(C) Henry

12. The Mutual Inductance of Coils depends on :

(A) Stiffness

(B) Density

(C) Nature of Material

(D) Geometry

(D) Geometry

13. The relation between Tesla and smaller unit Gauss of magnetic induction is given by :

(A) 1T = 103 G

(B) 1T = 106 G

(C) 1T = 102

(D) 1T = 104 G

(D) 1T = 104 G

14. The most suitable material for making magnet is :

(A) Soft Iron

(B) Copper

(C) Gold

(D) Silver

(A) Soft Iron

15. One Coulomb per second is equal to :

(A) One Volt

(B) One Ampere

(C) One Watt

(D) One Ohm

(B) One Ampere

16. If the distance between two point charges is halved, the Electric :

(A) Half

(B) 4 Times

(C) 4 Times

(D) Double

(B) 4 Times

17. Relative Permittivity for air is :

 (A) 1.06

(B) 1.006

(C) 1.0006

(D) 1.6

(B) 1.006


1. The absolute potential at a point distant 20 cm from a charge of 2 μC is :

(A) 9 x 102 V

(B) 9 x 103 V

(C) 9 x 104 V

(D) 9 x 105 V

(C) 9 x 104 V

2. Which of the following Apparatus is used to measure Current, Voltage and Resistance :

(A) Ammeter

(B) Voltmeter

(C) Avometer

(D) Galvanometer

(C) Avometer

3. Three Resistors of Resistance 2Ω, 3Ω and 6Ω are connected in series. Their Equivalent resistance is :

(A) 10 Ω

(B) 11 Ω

(C) 1/10 Ω

(D) 1/11 Ω

(B) 11 Ω

4. v/m is the unit of :

(A) Magnetic Field Intensity

(B) Electric Field Intensity

(C) Electric Force

(D) Gravitational Force

(B) Electric Field Intensity

5. To convert a Galvanometer into a Voltmeter, a high resistance connected in series with Galvanometer is given by :

(A) Rh = V/ Rg – I

(B) V/Rg + Ig = R

(C) R= V/Ig – R

(D) V/Ig + R= Rh

(C) Rh = V/Ig – Rg

6. The basic circuit element in a D.C. Circuit which controlled the current and voltage is :

(A) Transformer

(B) Resistor

(C) Inductor

(D) Transistor   

(B) Resistor

7. In D.C. Generator, Split Rings act as :

(A) Capacitor

(B) Commutator

(C) inductor

(D) Resistor

(B) Commutator

8. The direction of the Induced Current is always so as to oppose the change which causes the current :

(A) Faraday’s Law

(B) Lenz’s Law

(C) Ohm’s Law

(D) Kirchhoff’s 1st Rule

(B) Lenz's Law

9. The device which allows only the flow of D.C. is

(A) Generator

(B) Transformer

(C) inductor

(D) Capacitor

(D) Capacitor

10. Which Diode works at Reverse Biasing :


(B) Photo – Voltaic Cell

(C) Photodiode

(D) Silicon Diode

(C) Photodiode

11. A Semi Conductor will behave as an Insulator at temperature :

(A) 0 K

(B) 0°C

(C) 10 K

(D) 10°C

(A) 0 K

12. The Materialization of Energy takes place in the process of :

(A) Photoelectric Effect

(B) Compton Effect

(C) Pair Production

(D) Annihilation of Matter

(C) Pair Production

13. Binding Energy for deuteron nucleus is given by :

(A) 2.8 MeV

(B) 2.23 MeV

(C) 2.28 MeV

(D) 2.25 MeV

(B) 2.23 MeV

14. The factor h/moc has the unit of :

(A) Kilogram

(B) Second

(C) Meter

(D) Joule

(C) Meter

15. Electrons are :

(A) Hadrons

(B) Leptons

(C) Quarks

(D) Baryons

(B) Leptons


1. The charge on the Droplet in Millikan Experiment is calculated by using formula :

(A) q = mg / vd

(B) q = v / mgd

(C) q = mgd / v

(D) q = d / mgd

(C) q = mgd / v

2. 1 Ohm x 1 Farad is equal to :

(A) 1 Ampere

(B) 1 Coulomb

(C) 1 Joule

(D) 1 Second       

(D) 1 Second

3. Three Resistances 1Ω, 2Ω and 3Ω are connected in series to a battery of 9 volts. The current flowing through each resistance will be :

(A) 1.5A

(B) 1.0A

(C) 0.5A

(D) 2.0 A

(B) 1.0A

4. Two Parallel Straight Wires carrying current in the same direction. Would they :

(A) Repel each other

(B) Has Magnetic Field smaller than Individual Magnetic Field

(C) Attract each other

(D) Has no effect upon each other

(C) Attract each other

5. The Force acting on a particle moving under the Influence of both Electric and Magnetic Field is equal to :

(A) F = Fe – Fm

(B) F = Fe + Fm

(C) F = Fe x Fm

(D) F = Fe / Fm

(B) F = Fe + Fm

6. An Inductor may store energy in :

(A) Outer Surface of Coil

(B) Beyond of the coil

(C) Its electric field

(D) its magnetic field

(D) its magnetic field

7. If a conductor of length 1 m is moved with Velocity V across a magnetic field B at an angle 30° with B, then the Motional emf will be :

(A) vBL

(B) 1/2 vBL

(C) 1/2 vB

(D) 0.866 vB

(B) 1/2 vBL

8. If the Angular Frequency of A.C. Generator increased to double, the time period would become :

(A) Double

(B) 4 Times

(C) 1/4 Times

(D) Half

(D) Half

9. If we connect an ordinary D.C. Ammeter to measure alternating current, it would measure its value as :

(A) Instantaneous Value over a cycle

(B) Peak to peak value

(C) Averaged over a cycle

(D) r.m.s. value

(C) Averaged over a cycle

10. The source of Magnetism of an atom is the orbital and spin motion of :

(A) Proton

(B) Neutron

(C) Positron

(D) Electron

(D) Electron

11. The Central Region of a Transistor is known :

(A) Emitter

(B) Collector

(C) Depletion Region

(D) Base  

(D) Base

12. The Resistance between (+) and (-) inputs of Operational Amplifier is :

(A) Very Low

(B) Very High

(C) Zero

(D) Infinity

(B) Very High

13. In an expression for Time Dilation the quantity √(1-v^2/c^2 ) is always :

(A) Equal to Zero

(B) Greater than One

(C) Equal to One

(D) Less than One

(D) Less than One

14. In the process of Annihilation of Matter, the two Photons produced move in opposite direction to conserve :

(A) Energy

(B) Mass

(C) Momentum

(D) Charge    

(C) Momentum

15. X-rays-eject electrons from matter by :

(A) Pair Production

(B) Annihilation of Matter

(C) Compton Effect

(D) Photoelectric Effect

(D) Photoelectric Effect

16. When a Nucleus emits Alpha Particle, the charge number decreases by :

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

(D) Photoelectric Effect

17. Radio Therapy is often used in the treatment of Cancer with :

(A) lodine – 131

(B) Sodium-34

(C) Carbon-12

(D) Cobalt – 60

(D) Cobalt - 60


1. The heat produced by the passage of current through a resistor is :

(A) I2Rt

(B) IR2t

(C) I2R

(D) IRt2

(A) I2Rt

2. A particle having a charge of 2e falls through a potential difference of 3.0 Volts. The change in its K.E. is equal to :

(A) 6.0 eV

(B) 5.0 eV

(C) 4.0 eV

(D) 8.0 eV

(D) 8.0 eV

3. Photocopier and Inkjet Printers are the applications of :

(A) Electricity

(B) Magnetism

(C) Electrostatics

(D) Electromagnetism

(C) Electrostatics

4. A Voltmeter is always connected in :

(A) Series

(B) Parallel

(C) Place of Battery

(D) All these

(B) Parallel

5. A device which converts Electrical Energy into Mechanical Energy is :

(A) Transformer

(B) D.C. Motor

(C) A.C. Generator

(D) D.C. Generator

(B) D.C. Motor

6. If Magnetic Field is doubled, then the Magnetic Energy density becomes :

(A) Two Times

(B) Three Times

(C) Half Time

(D) Four Times

(D) Four Times

7. In Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, grid controls:

(A) Temperature of Filament

(B) Charge of Electrons

(C) Number of Electrons

(D) Energy of Electrons

(C) Number of Electrons

8. Root Mean Square Value of Alternating Voltage with Vo= 100 V, is equal to :

(A) 0.7 V

(B) 7 V

(C) 700 V

(D) 70 V

(D) 70 V

9. In case of Silicon, the value of Potential Barrier is :

(A) 0.6 V

(B) 0.7 V

(C) 0.1 V

(D) 0.3 V

(B) 0.7 V

10. Example of a Ductile Material is :

(A) Glass

(B) Wood

(C) Lead

(D) Diamond

(C) Lead

11. In RLC Series Circuit, the condition for resonance is :

(A) XL = XC

(B) XL > Xc

(C) XL < XC

(D) XL = XC + R

(A) XL = XC

12. In Full Wave Rectification, number of Diodes required are :

(A) 3

(B) 5

(C) 1

(D) 4       

(D) 4

13. Photons emitted in the inner Shell Transition are :

(A) Continuous X-rays

(B) Gamma Rays

(C) Characteristic X-rays

(D) Energetic X-rays

(C) Characteristic X-rays

14. Absorbed Dose is defined as :

(A) M x E

(B) M / E

(C) E / M

(D) E / C

(D) E / C

15. 0.1 Kg mass will be equivalent to the energy :

(A) 5 x 108 Joules

(B) 6 x 1019 Joules

(C) 9 x 1015 Joules

(D) 9 x 1019 Joules

(D) 9 x 1019 Joules

16. Slow Neutrons can cause Fission in :

(A) Uranium-235

(B) Uranium-238

(C) Plutonium-239

(D) Thorium-234

(A) Uranium-235

17. The Velocity at which relativistic length of a body reduces to half of its original length is :v

(A) 1 / 2 C

(B) / 2 C

(C) 3 / 4 C

(D) 1 /  c

(D) 1 / √2 c