(Group-1st )


The main pollutant of Leather Tanneries in waste water is the salt of

(A) Lead

 (B) Chromium (III)

(C) Copper

 (D) Chromium (I)

Chromium III is the correct answer

Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer is not used for which crop

(A) Cotton

 (B) Wheat

 (C) Sugar

 (D) Paddy rice

Paddy rice is the correct answer

Which of these Polymers is a Synthetic Polymer :

(A) Animal Fat

(B) Starch

(C) Cellulose

(B) Polyester      

Polyester is the correct answer

Which one of the following elements is present in all the proteins

(A) CI

 (B) Cu

(C) N

 (D) AI

N is the correct answer

Which Reagent is used to reduce a Carboxylic Group to an Alcohol

 (A) H2/ Ni

 (B) H2/Pt

 (C) NaBH4


LIAIH4 is the correct answer

The Carbon of Carbonyl Group is

 (A) Sp Hybridized

(P) Sp2 Hybridized

 (C) Sp3 Hybridized

(D) dSp2 Hybridized

sp2 hybridized is the correct answer

Which Compound is called a Universal Solvent

(A) H2O

 (B) CH3OH

 (C) C2H5OH

 (D) CH3-O-CH3

H2O is the correct answer

In Primary Alkyl Halides, the Halogen Atom is attached to a Carbon which is further attached to:

(A) Two Carbon Atoms

(B) Three Carbon Atoms

 (C) One Carbon Atom

 (D) Four Carbon Atoms

Four carbon atoms is the correct answer

During Nitration of Benzene, the active Nitrating agent is :

 (A) NO3

 (B) NO2

 (C) NO2

 (D) HNO3

NO2 is the correct answer

Synthetic Rubber is made by Polymerization of

(A) Chloroform

 (B) Acetylene

 (C) Divinyl Acetylene

 (D) Chloroprene      

Chloroprene is the correct answer

The state of Hybridization of Carbon in Methane

(A) Sp3

(B) Sp2

(C) Sp

(D) dSp

sp3 is thecorrect answer

Coordination Number of Pt In [Pt CI (NO2)(NH3)4] SO4 is:

 (A) 2

 (B) 4

 (C) 1

(D) 6

1 is correct answer

Which metal is used in the Thermite Process because of its reactivity

(A) Iron

(B) Copper

 (C) Aluminium

(D) Zinc

Aluminium is the correct answer

Laughing gas is chemically

(A) NO

 (B) N2O

(C) NO2


N2O is the correct answer

Which one of the following does not belong to Alkaline earth metals

(A) Be

 (B) Ra

(C) Ba

 (D) Rn

Rn is the correct answer

Mark the correct statement

(A) Na is smaller than Na atom

 (B) Na is larger than Na atom.

 (C) CI is smaller than Cl atom

 (D) CI (ion) and Cl (atom) are equal in size

Na is smaller than Na atom is the correct answer

Which one of the given is the strongest Acid:



 (C) HCIO,


HCIO4 is the correct answer

(Group-2nd )

Which one is not a Periodic Property

(A) Ionization Energy

 (B) Density

 (C) Atomic Radii

 (D) Hydration Energy 2+

density is the correct answer

Maximum No. of unpaired electrons are in

(A) O2

(B) O2+

 (C) O2 +2

(D) O2

02 is the correct answer

Metal used in Thermite Process is


 (B) Copper

 (C) Aluminium

 (D) Zinc:

aluminium is the correct answer

Which element is deposited at the Cathode during the Electrolysis of Brine in Nelson's Cell


 (B) Na

(C) Cl2

(D) O2

Na is the correct answer

Cl20, reacts with water to form

(A) Hypochlorous Acid

(8) Chioric Acid

(C) Perchloric Acid

 (D) Chlorine and Oxygen

hypochlorous acid is the correct answer

Synthetic Rubber is made by Polymerization of


(B) Acetylene

 (C) Divinyl Acetylene

 (D) Chloroprene        

Chloroprene is thw correct answer

Tetra Ethy! Lead (T.E.L.) is used as

(A)Pain Killer

 (B) Petroleum Additive

 (C) Fire Extinguisher

 (D) Moth Repellent

petroleum additive

Which one is non-typical transition element


 (B) Mn

 (C) Zn

 (D) Fe

zn is the correct answer

Conversion of n-hexane to benzene by heating in the presence of Pt is called as

(A) Isomerization

 (B) Aromatization

 (C) Dealkylation

 (D) Rearrangement

aromatization is the correct answer

Acetone + HCN give Cyanohydrin. It is the example of

(A)Electrophilic Addition

 (B) Electrophilic Substitution

(C) Nucleophilic Addition

(D) Nucleophilic Substitution

nucleophi;ic addition is the correct answer

According to Lewis concept Ethers behave as :


(B) Base

(C) Both Acid and Base

(D) Amphoteric

base is the correct answer

For which set of Mechanism Step One (Ist) is same

(A)E1 and E2

 (B) SN1 and E1

(C) SN2 and E2

(D) SN1 and SN2

Sn1 and E1

Oil Origin of Formic Acid is


 (B) Butter

 (C) Red Ants

 (D): Peroxyacetyl-Nitrate

red ants is the correct answer

(PAN) is an Irritant of


 (B) Nose

(C) Stomach

(D) Ears

nose is the correct answer

Quantity Range of Micronutrients is

(A) 4-40 g

 (B) 6-200 g

 (C) 6-200 Kg

 (D) 4 – 40 Kg

4-40g is correct answer

Addition Polymer is

(A) Nylon 6, 6

 (B) Polystyrene

 (C) Terylene

 (D) Epoxy Resin

polyestrene is the correct answer

Which one is not present in RNA


(8) Adenine

 (C) Thiamine

 (D) Uracil

thiamine is the correct answer

CHEMISTRY MCQ's 2022 (Group-1st )

Mark the correct statement


(A) The lonization Energy of Calcium is lower than that of Barium.

 (B) The lonization Energy of Calcium is lower than that of Magnesium.

 (C) The ionization Energy of Calcium is higher than that of Beryllium.

 (D) The lonization Energy of Calcium is lower than that of Strontium.

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Which one of the following is not an Alkali Metal

(A) Francium

 (B) Caesium

 (C) Rubidium

 (D) Radium

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Tincal is a mineral of

(A) AI

 (B) B

(C) Si

 (D) C

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Out of all the elements of Group VA, the highest lonization energy is possessed by

 (A) N

 (B) P

 (C) Sb

(D) Bi

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Which of the following Hydrogen Halide is the weakest acid in solution

(A) HF

 (B) HBr

(C) HI

 (D) HCI

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Which of the following is a non-typical transition element

(A) Cr

(B) Mn

(C) Zn

(D) Fe

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The state of Hybridization of Carbon Atom in Methane is

 (A) sp3

(B) sp

 (C) sp2

(0) dsp2

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Preparation of Vegetable Ghee Involves

(A) Halogenation

 (B) Hydrogenation

(C) Hydroxylation

 (D) Denydrogenation

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Benzene Molecule contains

 (A) Three Double Bonds

 (B) Two Double Bonds

(C) One Double Bond

 (D) Delocalized m-electron charge

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In Primary Alkyl Halides, the Halogen Atom is attached to a Carbon which is further attached to how many Carbon Atoms

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 1


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Which compound shows Hydrogen Bonding

(A) C6H6

(B) C2HSC!

 (C) CH3-O-CH3

 (D) C2H5-OH

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Which of the following will have the highest boiling point

(A) Methanal

 (B) Ethanal

 (C) Propanal

 (D) 2-Hexanone

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Acetic Acid is manufactured by

(A) Distillation

(B) Fermentation

(C) Ozonolysisa

 (D) Esterificationa

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The pH range of the Acid Rain is

(A) 7 – 6.5

(B) 6.5-6

(C) 6-5.6

 (D) less than 5

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Which three elements are needed for the healthy growth of plants

(A) N, S, P

(B) N, Ca, P

(C) N, P, K

(D) N, K, C

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Peroxyacetylnitrate is an irritant to human beings and it affects

(A) Eyes

(8) Ears

(C) Stomach

(D) Nose

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Which of these Polymers is an Addition Polymer

(A) nylon-6,6

(B) Polystyrene

(C) Terylene

(D) Epoxy Resin

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CHEMISTRY MCQ's 2022 (Group-2nd )

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